Artistic Journeys is an online publication that explores the lives of creative individuals as they share their experiences. The October issue has a special interview with John Derry, one of the founders of Corel Painter, as well as Lynda instructor.

Artistic Journeys – October – John Derry

First a Special Note

Thank you for all the comments telling me how much you are enjoying the interviews. It means a lot that you have taken time out of your day to contact me. Let me address a few things, so we are all on the same page.

Yes, the articles are free. There is no subscription, and they will run until at least August 2020. Thank you for asking me where my donate button is, but I don’t have one. If you feel compelled to support me in some manner, you can buy one of my books.

If the subject manner of the books isn’t what you are interested in, you can donate a book in the following ways, which would mean a lot to me.

1. A friend or neighbor. Who doesn’t love getting a book?

2. The pediatric unit of your local hospital or, better yet, a Shriners hospital (Shriners has been an integral part of our families’ lives, and they are fabulous. They take difficult life situations and make them better).

3. A woman’s shelter (I spent a good chunk of time there as a kid. I was thankful for the playroom that had books on a shelf.)

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Again, thank you for taking time to write me. It’s always encouraging knowing how much people appreciate the work you put into a project.

When I first started learning Corel Painter, I found a class on that John Derry taught. Little did I realize I would be talking to him personally a few years later. It’s always funny when things like that happen to you. Insignificant moments in your day to day turn out to be something a lot deeper later in life.

John surprised me. I didn’t realize how deep he is cemented in the Corel Painter world, and I didn’t realize how much he played in the inception of this program. On top of that, when he unpacked why he created his artwork, I found I looked at his work differently.

Sometimes it only takes a bit of sharing for one to see things differently.

You can download a PDF of the complete interview below (9 pages). Download it, and then open it up on your desktop. It is set to look like a magazine spread, but it only does this when you reopen it on your desktop AFTER you downloaded it. When you read it in the browser, it comes up as single pages.

If you do not have a PDF viewer, you can download Adobe’s free PDF reader here:

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31 Responses

  1. Alice

    It was very interesting reading about John Derry. I took classes on from him too.

  2. Randy

    Thanks for another good interview.

  3. Amber

    I enjoyed the story about his art and his wife. It was touching!

  4. Kristy

    Didn’t know a lot of that about him.

  5. Michella

    I laughed when I saw his first art. How far we have come.

    • L.A. James

      Isn’t that the truth, Michella. Hard to believe what it looked like.

  6. Lucas

    Thanks for doing this, L.A.

  7. Sarah

    I thought this would be dull, but it wasn’t. There was a real human touch with this one. A lot to think about. Thank you.

  8. Johnny

    Who’d have thunk it

  9. Susan

    Looking forward to next month.

  10. K.C.

    What a range of art styles. I was only familiar with his stuff online.

    • L.A. James

      Hi K.C.

      I was too. I only thought he did architecture paintings. I also remember watching a class on coloring black and white photos.

  11. Ruth

    would have liked to hear more. i bet he has a lot to tell still.

    • L.A. James

      Hi Ruth,

      Thank you for your comment. I had a chuckle. Don’t we all have more to tell? 🙂

  12. Cathy

    I enjoyed reading this. Thanks

  13. Jack

    I have taken a lot of his classes on Lynda. It was interesting reading this.

  14. Fran

    Interesting read.

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